Friday, March 27, 2009


When troubles come some go to strong dirink or wine, thinking this "liquid escape" will make things fine.

However, when the haze of their drunken stupor is gone, they realize that they still have to go on

So, how do you go on when troubles abound? You're so deep in the river of life you feel like you'll drown.

I say go to Jesus who knows your pain, knowing that to live is Christ and to die is gain.

You die to yourself, you surrender your will. You give up trying to push that rock up the hill.

And though everything won't be fixed at one time. You'll have joy in your soul, even if you don't have a dime.

So, try the Lord Jesus, give Him your life. Give Him your baby, your mortgage, your wife.

And see what He'll do when you give it away. I'm a witness, I've been there, that's why I'm sharing this with you today!

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