Monday, July 6, 2009

Michael Jackson's tragic life

What does it mean to a child when a parent wants to live vicariously through him or her? What does it mean to a child when a parent has determined for that child what he or she will be without understanding that God has a plan for that child? Well, we don't have to look very far to know the answers.

Michael Jackson's life and death should be a lesson to every parent. His man, still a boy in many respects, never was able to know who he really was. With all of the talent that he possessed, he was on a constant search for so many things. As great as his music was and still is, his life was one veiled effort after another to find love, validation, or just to have the fun that his missed out on as a boy.

I grew up with the Jacksons. I remember the night that I saw them make their debut on the Ed Sullivan Show. I remember this little boy singing like a seasoned entertainer. You could tell that he was something special. However, the challenge for every entertainer is what happens behind the scenes; behind the curtain. This is where Joe Jackson would push and push . . . and for what, or better yet, for whom. Was it for the boys, for the family or for him? Well, we found out what Michael thought of him, leaving him totally out of his will.

The whole situation is tragic on so many fronts, but as it the case with so much that happens in our lives . . . we must live and learn.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

WHAT IS . . . . . . ?

What is time to the man who is always in a hurry?
What is peace to the man who always has to worry?
What is war to the man who always has to fight?
What is truth to the man who has never known what's right?
What is victory to the man who has always been beaten?
What is food to the man who has seldom eaten?
What is opportunity to the man who will never take a chance?
What is love to the man who has never known romance?
What is anything to the man who struggles all of his life for nothing?

Poem by John Leonard Harris (1983)

Friday, March 27, 2009


When troubles come some go to strong dirink or wine, thinking this "liquid escape" will make things fine.

However, when the haze of their drunken stupor is gone, they realize that they still have to go on

So, how do you go on when troubles abound? You're so deep in the river of life you feel like you'll drown.

I say go to Jesus who knows your pain, knowing that to live is Christ and to die is gain.

You die to yourself, you surrender your will. You give up trying to push that rock up the hill.

And though everything won't be fixed at one time. You'll have joy in your soul, even if you don't have a dime.

So, try the Lord Jesus, give Him your life. Give Him your baby, your mortgage, your wife.

And see what He'll do when you give it away. I'm a witness, I've been there, that's why I'm sharing this with you today!

Monday, March 23, 2009

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Have you prayed yet today? What kind of prayer did you pray? A short prayer over your morning meal? Was it what I call a "God gimme prayer? You know that kind of prayer where you ask God to gimme this and gimme that. Like God is some cosmic Santa Claus or a genie in a Bible . . . and all He is good for is stuff.The great thing about being a Christian, a follower and disciple of Jesus Christ is that you have a direct line to the Father. No barriers between your communication with God. Through prayer can go straight to Him. So often, it's about us, when in actuality it's all about Him. That's why Jesus instructed His disciples to pray in Matthew 6 what we know as the Lord's Prayer. In that prayer is everything we need to pray. If nothing else, don't try to conjure up some "pathetic prayer," just say the Lord's prayer with a sincere heart.Finally, it would be great if you and I could take an hour or two to commune with God in prayer. Yeah, I know, that's not going to happen. But, that's okay with God, because He'll take whatever you can give. You see, He's not picky. He wants to fellowship with you and would hope that you would like to fellowship with Him. So, whatever time you take is fine with Him, just take the time! He wants to be on your mind . . . at a stop light . . . in the waiting room of the doctor's office . . . in the grocery store . . . while you're waiting to pick someone up from school or work. Just spend some time with God in prayer . . . He's waiting to hear from you!Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16


You didn't think about it did you? It never really crossed your mind. I know that you have things to do and a schedule that you think that must keep. But, what is God's plan for you today? Whose path will you cross or who will cross yours? Whose life will you impact, or better yet who will impact yours?Is God's plan that you give more than you take? That you laugh more than you cry? That you forgive someone who has really hurt you?Have you even thought about it? Well, if not, there's no time like the present. Just ask God "what's your plan for me today?" You might just be surprised at His reply.


The recent death of a good friend has caused me to pause and reflect. And I've come to one great big conclusion, "I'm not thankful enough!" Yeah, that's right, I take so much for granted that it's not funny and it's time to stop it.I don't know about you, but I find myself thinking that people and things will just be there. I say "see you later," but there's not a guarantee that I will. I spoke to my friend on Wednesday night and by Friday afternoon he was dead, brutally murdered, in Lincoln, Nebraska. It's unbelievable!Still, God has a plan. I know that absent from the body is present with the Lord. My friend's eternity was secure because of his trust in Jesus Christ. So, there is no need to mourn for him in this regard. He might not have been totally sure about the end, but there is not more time to worry, because the end has come.What about you? Who or what are you taking for granted? Do you think that the people and things you love so much are just going to be there for you? Well, I pray that you wise up and realize that we are just pilgrims passing through . . . that things leave us as fast as they came to us. We don't know when our final seconds will come, or for that matter those of the one we love.Our challenge is to be more thankful. Thankful that God has spared our lives . . . thankful for the very breath in our bodies . . . thankful for our senses and that the work . . . thankful that we can live and love . . . thankful for what seem to be the "small things." There is no place for regret in our lives, thinking about what could have been. I'm there and it's not a good feeling. But, the truth is that I cannot do anything about that now, I have to move on and move on I will.And moving on is tough, it's tough right now. I am thankful that I know that God of all comfort and his word let me know (Matthew 5), . . . "blessed are they who mourn, for that will be comforted." Don't wait any longer and don't keep taking things for granted . . . before you know it, they might be gone.